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©2015 Serge Thiery
La Terrasse - Painting, 100x80x1,8 cm ©2015 - Serge Thiery - Аутсайдерское искусство, Экологическое искусство, Абстрактное искусство, Концептуальное искусство, Искусство в бетоне , Арт-деко, Изобразительное искусство, Наивное искусство, Арт-нуво, Классицизм, Дадаизм, Экспрессионизм, Абстрактный экспрессионизм, Фовизм, Модернизм, Современная живопись, Народное творчество, Реализм, Символизм, Другой, Хлопок, Холст, Любовь / Романтика, Дерево, Архитектура, Абстрактное искусство, Театральное искусство, Кино, Космическое пространство, Цвета, Культура, Поп-культура / Знаменитости, Мировая культура, Семья, фантастический, Цветок, Геометральный, Интерьеры , Сад, Сельская жизнь, Места, Свет, Дом, Стена, Природа, Натюрморт, Пейзаж, Религия, Времена года, Духовность, Время, Типография , Города, Путешествие, terrasse, bleu, violet, noir, rayures, abeille, canisse, escalier, fenêtre, rembarde, pierre, feuille, tronc, branche
©2017 federica belloli
Naima - Painting, 80x100x1,5 cm ©2017 - federica belloli - Портретная живопись, Изобразительное искусство, Современная живопись, Реализм, Холст, Дети, pittura, acrilico, arte figurativa, contemporanea, ritrattistica, ritratto, realismo, tela, bambini, enfant, réalisme, acrilique, portrait
Fleurs et fruits - Painting, 25x20x0,5 cm ©2015 - DANIEL CAMBE - Экспрессионизм, Дерево, Натюрморт, nature, morte, huile, sur, bois

©2012 Irina Daronina
Bouquet from life - Painting, 40x30x0,8 cm ©2012 - Irina Daronina - Абстрактный экспрессионизм, Целлюлозно доска, Цветок, rose, rose palette, red roses, rose painting, pattern palette knife
©2017 Marianna Ochyra
Earth Vibrations - Painting, 70x70x2 cm ©2017 - Marianna Ochyra - Абстрактное искусство, Холст, Абстрактное искусство, Meditation, Gift, Fantasy, Visionary Art, Intuitive Painting, Mistery, Bright, Purple, Power, Earth©2018 Vika Vilkova
Dreams of Homer.jpeg - Painting, 25x25x0,5 m ©2018 - Vika Vilkova - Поп-арт, Холст, Питание & Напитки
©2008 leblais bruno
libre - Painting ©2008 - leblais bruno - Экспрессионизм, Холст, Женщины
© Pascal Thomas
Bleu comme tes yeux ! - Painting, 50x70 cm ©2018 - Pascal Thomas - Абстрактное искусство
©2018 Marie-Laure Bossou
Mer Rouge - Painting, 50x40 cm ©2018 - Marie-Laure Bossou - Абстрактное искусство©2018 Conny Wachsmann
grünes Bild - Farbklecks 3 - Painting, 80x80x3,6 cm ©2018 - Conny Wachsmann - Абстрактное искусство, Абстрактный экспрессионизм, Арт-деко, Другой, Абстрактное искусство, grü, acryl, wachsmann, bilder, kunst, maleei, gemälde, unternehmen©2018 Marie-Christine Maudet
"Fantasy" 70x50x2cm Acrylique sur toile - Painting, 70x50x2 cm ©2018 - Marie-Christine Maudet - Абстрактное искусство, Экспрессионизм, Абстрактный экспрессионизм, Импрессионизм, Современная живопись, Сюрреализм, Хлопок, Абстрактное искусство, Ботаника, Космическое пространство, Вода, фантастический, Сад, Природа, bulles, ronds, mer, algues, rouge, bleu, decoration
©2018 Vladimir
Irises in the field - Painting, 35x45x2 cm ©2018 - Vladimir - Импрессионизм, Холст, Цветок, Painting, Flowers, IrisesVladimir ~ Irises in the field Картина
©2018 Alain Erpelding
If I knew - Painting, 120x40x1,5 cm ©2018 - Alain Erpelding - Абстрактное искусство, Абстрактный экспрессионизм, Холст, Абстрактное искусство©2009 Marco Aurelio Zerilli
EVOLUZIONE - Painting, 68x45x2 cm ©2009 - Marco Aurelio Zerilli - Дерево, Научная фантастика, alien, ufo, extraterrestre, cantante, robbie williams, étranger, alieno
©2018 annie chatpastel
chat-pitre - Painting, 35x35 cm ©2018 - annie chatpastel - Изобразительное искусство, Бумага, Кошки, pastel chat©2018 A. Dall'Agnolo
La Dent Blanche - Painting, 80x80x2,3 cm ©2018 - A. Dall'Agnolo - Изобразительное искусство, Дерево, paysage, montagne, bleu
©2018 Philippe Nicolaï
ça balance pas mal - Painting, 55x38 cm ©2018 - Philippe Nicolaï - Экспрессионизм, Холст, Любовь / Романтика, Дети, Сельская жизнь, Природа, Пляж
©2015 The Planet Malisa
Night in Amsterdam - Painting, 40x50 cm ©2015 - The Planet Malisa - Экспрессионизм, Иллюстрация, Импрессионизм, Реализм, Символизм, Бумага, Архитектура, Лодка, Города, Городской пейзаж, Цвета, Культура, Дом, Свет, Места, Дерево, Вода, Amsterdam, night, blue, yellow, house, painting, art, watercolour, bridge©2018 Philippe Nicolaï
Ange rock'n roll - Painting, 65x81 cm ©2018 - Philippe Nicolaï - Экспрессионизм, Импрессионизм, Холст, Любовь / Романтика, Ангелы, Мистические фантазии, Дети, фантастический, fantasie
©2018 PRussi
RED 2018 - Painting, 50x50x3,5 cm ©2018 - PRussi - Абстрактное искусство, Дерево, Холст, Абстрактное искусствоPrussi ~ RED 2018 Картина

©2018 florin Florin
Romanian Monalisa - Painting, 50x70 cm ©2018 - florin Florin - Наивное искусство, Холст, Портретыwww.artmajeur.com
Paintings, sculptures and other art for sale online by artists and sculptors in store
In which currency should the prices be displayed on the website?Latest comments
Orlova Marina - 28/07/2018 20:39
Как интересно и как красиво!!!- The watering hole
Lvov Aleksandr - 28/07/2018 02:24
24 картин готовятся! - Cafe
Peters Elizaveta - 27/07/2018 13:55
Здорово! Освещение... настроение... - Union red
Orlova Marina - 26/07/2018 23:27
Очень светлая и теплая картина! - Curious
Orlova Marina - 26/07/2018 23:25
Чудесный! - Stream in the forest
Arset Maser - 12/07/2018 11:16
Видел эту картину, в живую глаз не оторвать.
On-line shop of paintings
The site Hudognik.net is not just an online store of paintings of artists, but a platform for the sale and purchase of oil paintings (marketplace) and other art objects, which involves the independent placement and sale of paintings by artists, their works by sculptors, and masters of other arts.Our portal is conceived and implemented as a free platform, where there are no restrictions for creative people who can freely post any work (after having been preliminarily checked by the moderator), or for buyers whose choice is not limited to the framework of techniques, genres and styles.
We offer our service as a link between artists and connoisseurs of painting, helping one to find recognition of their talent, and to others - to choose and buy a painting. In our online store we are happy to see all fans of fine art and are ready to help everyone realize their desire for beauty.
Accommodation is free of charge, in unlimited quantities.
The Internet store retains its commission upon the fact of commissioning the order, in the amount established by the author of the work independently.
Advantages of buying paintings in the online store Hudognik.net
The art portal, where you can buy oil paintings, sculpture, graphics, watercolors and other works of contemporary artists, is, in fact, a democratic and free place for meetings of creators and their audience. The Internet site serves as a successful and convenient alternative to traditional galleries and art shops.- On the site there is a flexible functional of a safe transaction (alternative order), for making a step-by-step process of buying / selling paintings in an online store, with the possibility of agreeing the cost of work between the buyer and the seller. The site administration serves as a guarantor of observance of obligations by both parties of the transaction.
- For buyers and customers there is an opportunity to offer the price to the author of the work they liked, and there is a chance that he will agree! ;-)
- The ability to quickly order several jobs at once and at the same time several authors, to save your time!
- A wide selection and accurate search in the gallery of art objects. On our pages, visual art is represented in all the diversity of styles, genres and techniques. You will not be difficult to pick up linens for the interior, and we are sure that among the thousands of exhibits we have there are those that will certainly affect the strings of your soul.
- Minimum markup of the service. Paintings are sold by artists almost at the prices that they themselves designate for their works. We just provide a platform for their work and carry out communicative and guarantee functions.
- We expand the geographical opportunities of creators and admirers of fine art. The artist, for example, can live in Minsk, St. Petersburg or Ukraine, and the buyer of the painting - in Moscow, Samara or Yekaterinburg, and possibly in the US ... and our portal allows them to meet.
- All artists and sculptors undergo a manual check by the moderator of the portal before posting works on the site, which guarantees the buyer a certain quality of workmanship performed for sale.
- We offer for sale paintings of artists who have already received fame and recognition, as well as the work of beginning painters, whose glory is yet to come. With us, you can make a profitable transaction by investing your funds in art, as the paintings of young masters are offered at a very low price, but who knows how much they will cost in 10-20 years ... :)
Our gallery: oil painting, sculpture and much more
On the pages of our portal thousands of works of art are presented. Among the authors are hundreds of artists from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other CIS countries and abroad, who work in almost all genres, styles and techniques of painting today. With the help of Hudognik.net, oil paintings and watercolors, icons and graphics, sculptures and ceramics are sold. A convenient menu of the site helps you quickly find exactly the style or genre of painting that interests you, and view all the works of this direction. In the gallery of our online store you will find both modern oil paintings and paintings in the style of times of socialist realism.Looking for where you can buy an oil painting - a still-life for a living room or a romantic landscape for a bedroom? Go to the appropriate section of the site and choose among the many works submitted to your court by masters of fine arts. Do you like the works of a certain painter? Find his name in the list of artists registered on our portal, and see the paintings that the master today offers the public.
In the extensive catalog of Hudognik.net there are not only traditional paintings written on canvas or cardboard, but also samples of wall paintings, glass and ceramics, embroidery and batik, as well as modern digital painting. To buy a picture in an online store, you just need to put it in the virtual shopping cart for purchases, and then inform the author of your contact details using the standard form. You can offer your seller a variant of the price, but the deal will take place only with the mutual consent of the parties. We protect purchases worth more than 30 thousand rubles, if they are formalized as a "safe transaction". About how the sale of the artist's painting or the work of the sculptor happens, you can find out in detail in the corresponding section.
If you are an artist or a sculptor
Today it is not necessary to live in Moscow, St. Petersburg or other metropolitan cities in order to be a successful and famous painter, because you can sell the painting through the Internet anywhere in the world. The only requirement that we impose on the authors of works is the availability of artistic talent and sufficient degree of mastery. You are not limited in the choice of subjects of your works, styles and genres, because for us all the directions of creativity are good. Of course, we carry out preliminary moderation of works in order to prevent the sale of paintings by low-level painters, we hope for your understanding!Register on our portal to get an opportunity to offer your paintings to connoisseurs of painting. Take pictures of the canvases and process the photo in accordance with the rules, then upload them to the site, in your personal office everything is quite simple and convenient. We draw your attention to the fact that you assign the price of your work, but the buyer can come up with a counter offer, which you can either accept or reject, at your discretion. Cooperation with us will guarantee a decent payment for your work and talent, and for a beginner master of painting - an excellent chance to gain fame.
What gives registration in our online store of paintings?
You can register in our online store of paintings of artists and get an opportunity to participate in the life of the portal:- for the buyer - to evaluate your favorite paintings by raising their rating and leaving their comments to them, making quick purchases with the completion of forms of orders with your data, adding to the "favorites" of authors and individual works, recommending the site to friends;
- for the author - to evaluate the work of other artists, post their comments to the canvases, communicate with their colleagues and make useful acquaintances, and most importantly - to display oil paintings, graphic works, watercolors, gouaches, sculptures, as well as other art objects, and take orders.
We draw your attention to the fact that according to some art ratings Hudognik.net is among the top ten Internet resources where you can sell paintings or buy paintings, as well as get acquainted with the works of contemporary artists in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, other CIS countries and abroad . We invite you to join the community of creators and connoisseurs, in order to enjoy the art of painting in all its manifestations!For both sides of our audience, we have prepared detailed instructions: how to buy a painting and how to sell pictures.
We wish you successful transactions and pleasant purchases! Stay tuned for your support!
If you liked our portal, feel free to share it with your friends! Your help is very important for us!
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Онлайн-галереи — Look At Me
На протяжении многих столетий изобразительное искусство и технологический прогресс находились в разных плоскостях. Однако современные реалии диктуют свои условия и на сегодняшний день мы уже можем лицезреть первые результаты взаимодействия искусства и передовых компьютерных технологий. Речь идёт о творческих проектах, реализованных в сети интернет, в частности о 3D-экскурсиях по художественным музеям, интернет-трансляциях с международных выставок, индивидуальных сайтах современных художников, онлайн-галереях живописи и пр.
Акцентируя внимание на виртуальных арт-галереях, следует отметить, что их количество в последние годы стремительно растет, и их функционирование позволяет отслеживать современные тенденции в высоком искусстве, а также знакомиться с работами новых художников. Одним из весовых преимуществ интернет-галерей является тот факт, что они способны предложить обывателю максимально широкую палитру произведений искусства, при этом удовлетворив потребности всех целевых аудиторий – новичков и профессионалов, дилетантов и истинных ценителей, коллекционеров и руководителей компаний.
Первоначально интернет-галереи появились в формате онлайн-версий художественных музеев и печатных изданий, творческих экспозиций и частных коллекций. Позже были созданные коммерческие проекты, представляющие собой аукционы и онлайн-площадки для купли-продажи произведений искусства. Сегодня в этом сегменте рынка можно встретить и проекты, для которых создание и оптимизация сайта бесплатно выполнены волонтерами либо профинансированы меценатами. Далее представлены обзоры нескольких наиболее известных онлайн-галерей живописи.
Проект «Online-Gallery.ru» - это галерея современной российской живописи. Здесь представлена отличная коллекция качественных картин, написанных преимущественно маслом на холстах. Данный ресурс позволяет полноценно ознакомиться с русским искусством, узнать о русских живописцах и России в целом. На страницах сайта представлено наследие художников нынешнего и прошлого веков, которое известно не только на территории нашего государства, но и далеко за его пределами – в Америке, Европе и Азии.
«Gallerix.ru» - это некоммерческий проект, основной целью которого является популяризация живописного искусства среди населения и удовлетворение творческих потребностей людей, не имеющих возможность посещать музеи и выставки. Это, пожалуй, одна из крупнейших выставок на просторах русскоязычного сегмента интернета. В онлайн-галерею «Gallerix» попадают работы из всех возможных источников, при этом отбираются наиболее качественные варианты картин.
«ArtPage.ru» - онлайн-галерея искусств, которая была основана при непосредственном содействии Международного художественного фонда для пропаганды и развития российского и мирового искусства. Данный проект весьма полезен и начинающим художникам, которые могут создать здесь собственную галерею и разместить свои художественные работы.